
How to Keep Your Clients Happy |
June 10, 2009, 9:24 am
Filed under: Capitalism

How to Keep Your Clients Happy |

Here’s a How-To article I wrote on how I manage the daily onslaught of disgruntled clients. Click the above link to read the article. If you would like to read more How-To articles I have written, Click here to view my profile.


Love Your Enemies – A Valentine’s Greeting
February 12, 2009, 10:08 am
Filed under: Holidays

Last night, a friend of mine commented that some people do not like receiving gifts, flowers, or chocolates on Valentine’s Day because it only reminds them of how lonely and unloved they really are. Bah Humbug! This Valentine’s Day, if you find yourself filled with anger and hatred toward everyone, or perhaps you simply don’t know what to say to that special someone, try saying “I love you.”

Did Batman foil the Joker’s plot to steal all the chocolate hearts on the 14th?  No, he gave him THIS.

Did Jeff Gordon cry when female NASCAR driver Shawna Robinson rejected his advances on the racetrack? Of course not! Instead, he sent her one of THESE!

You see, this holiday is not just for the betrothed and the beloved.  It is for all the “haters,” too.  If you are feeling bitter this weekend, then I have the perfect gift for you to send to that special someone (or nemesis):  A FREE GREETING CARD!

Making a card

Click to download free greeting card

Front Cover:  “The Bible says… Love Your Enemies.”
Inside:  “I love you.  Happy Valentine’s Day.”

Download this royalty free greeting card, print as many as you like, and send it to everyone you despise.  Happy Valentine’s Day.  I love you.


Consume Less Junk, Produce Less Waste (Waist): Part I

You learn a lot about someone when you share a car, and in turn, learn a lot about yourself.  Because I no longer drive my gas-guzzling tour van around town, my fianceé and I necessarily share a vehicle.  When I made the decision to leave my van in the carport to collect dust, we each had to learn a few lessons in sharing.  For starters, we had to start coordinating our individual schedules; I had to reserve car time in advance to ensure that I was not compromising her schedule, and we have developed a habit of having an informal family meeting on Sunday evenings to discuss the forthcoming events of the next seven days.

(Not my actual backseat)

(Not my actual backseat)

While we have learned a lesson in the value of other peoples’ time, we have failed to learn the virtue of cleanliness (which is now above Godliness).  We are both marginally tidy regarding personal affects, but lack the discipline required to collect the elusive paper waste that accumulates on the floorboard.  The result:  a monthly purge.  When one of us finally reaches our tipping point (usually me), we scoop out all the trash to be sorted, recycled, and discarded.  What I find most, however, is junk food wrappers (admittedly mine).

America, the Beautiful
During my teens, my church youth group adopted two portions of highway in our hometown.  This meant that once a quarter, the lot of us donned orange safety vests, rubber gloves, and work clothes and crawled down into the ditch to start cleaning.  Our chain gang filled bag after bag full of soggy refuse from all walks of life.  Save for the occasional flattened armadillo, the overwhelming yield was fast food waste.

Environmental stewardship is the new littering, and it is time for a change in the way we consume.  Most often, if we consider eating fast food, we think about how it will affect our bodily health.  We might also weigh the meal’s impact on our monthly budget.  But do we  the amount of waste that stands between the morsels’ creation and their digestion?   Regardless of the answer, we should start thinking about it.

For a colorful and entertaining online brochure about the American fast food industry’s paper consumption, CLICK HERE.

Chinese Water Torture
February 4, 2009, 8:53 am
Filed under: Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , ,

My fiancee’ claims she was making tea and needed to squeeze this bear for honey.

Is this considered torture? on TwitPic

It looks more like she’s trying to squeeze him for information.

The Ghost in the Machine: Dialogue on the Influence of the Internet
February 3, 2009, 11:04 am
Filed under: Technology | Tags: , , , , , , , , ,

“Life imitates art far more than art imitates Life.” – Oscar Wilde

This week, an e-friend of mine, Steve J. Moore, proposed an interesting question: Does the Internet reflect Humanity or vice versa? To start the discussion, we will take a look at life before Internet. Then, we will examine the life after Internet and its impact on the individual.

Information is power
Nikola Tesla began tinkering with the wireless transmission of information in 1891. The first television broadcasts were transmitted in 1928 to mechanical tv sets with horrible picture quality. In the mid thirties to the beginning of the forties, mechanical sets were commercially available for home use, but production soon stopped as manufacturing efforts became focused on World War II. After the war, the technological boom began to pick up speed again. The first full-color set came in 1954 and cost $1,000.  Today, one thousand bucks buys you a 50″ flat screen tv like this.

Figure 1.1

Figure 1.1

There seems to be an inverse correlation between the availability of information and its value (see Figure 1.1).  In other words, the easier accessing information becomes, the less we are willing to pay for it.  To learn more about this correlation, read Thomas L. Friedman’s book, The World is Flat.  The expansive virtual bank of knowledge has made the world seem much smaller.  Thanks to Mobile 2.0, we expect information to be readily available to us at all times, to the extent that even email is considered an inferior form of communication.  I drew Figure 1.1, photographed it with my phone, sent it to my email address, and uploaded it to the blog in less than one minute.  We want information now, and we want it to be free.

The Shape of (Human) Things
I am twenty three years old.  My first vivid memory involves my father busily working on a thesis under the blue glow of a Tandy 1000 computer screen, my curious finger, and a large red reset button (I’ll post the whole story sometime).  The internet, in a relatively archaic form, already existed.  But even in my youth, when I wanted information for an Earth Science research paper on volcanoes I made photocopies of encyclopedia entries in the school library.  The card catalog was not computerized until I was in high school.  Back in my day, you had to be patient – you had to wait for information to come to you.  Back in my day, you had to be dilligent – you had to spend countless hours scouring tiny print and irrelevant factoids in search of answers.  Back in my day, you had to respect the information you sought.

Today, the quality of content published on the internet spreads from precise, powerful information to pure unsolicited crap.  Because the good stuff can be accessed through the same medium as the bad, it has to be free and effortless.

With regard to the value we assign information, I say that Internet reflects Humanity.  Internet – 1, Humanity – 0.